What kind of berries to eat so that the penis stands long or top products to improve erection

useful products for potency

Persistent erection and prolonged intercourse are things that excite men of different ages. Already after 35 years, some men face erectile dysfunction, and with age this phenomenon becomes more common. There are many factors that provoke a weak erection or no erection at all - from bad ecology to internal diseases in a man. Therefore, the approach to restoring an erection should be comprehensive. These are specially designed physiotherapeutic procedures, dietary supplements with vitamins and minerals, physical exercises. In severe cases, drugs to increase potency are prescribed, but sometimes men do without them, simply reviewing their diet and making some changes there. However, you will also have to limit yourself when using certain products - but the result is worth it.

Products that negatively affect the erection

Below is a list of products, the constant use of which negatively affects potency. Therefore, if there are problems with men's health, they must be excluded:

  1. Pastries, confectionery and bakery products - a high content of yeast and sugar adversely affects the synthesis of testosterone - the main male hormone, the amount of which depends on potency. The only exception is yeast-free bread.
  2. Fatty meat, butter and margarine, egg yolks, some cheeses - a large list of products containing cholesterol, which is harmful for an erection. This substance is able to form plaques in the lumen of the pelvic vessels, thereby reducing the inflow of the amount of blood necessary for an erection. Accordingly, and an erection. Interestingly, the male hormone itself is formed precisely from cholesterol.
  3. Beer. The phytoestrogens contained in beer are female hormones, and when they get into a man's body, they suppress the production of testosterone - the consequence of this action is a hormonal imbalance. In addition to problems with erection, there is a "beer belly", the voice becomes higher. Drinking large amounts of beer in men stops the production of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system. Over time, this can lead to problems with potency.
  4. the negative effect of beer on potency cartoon
  5. Products from the menu of fast-food restaurants - trans fats contained in hamburgers and french fries also have a negative effect on the synthesis of hormones, including testosterone.
  6. Sausages and smoked meats - Smoking liquids used to make these products quantitatively reduce testosterone levels. In addition, these substances are toxic to the testicles.
  7. Aerated beverages excluding mineral water. In addition to a high sugar content, they contain flavorings and dyes, the use of which negatively affects the synthesis of testosterone and sperm.
  8. Caffeinated Beverages. The most common of these is coffee. If you drink it often and a lot, testosterone will decrease, but the amount of female hormones, on the contrary, will increase.

Combined with factors such as obesity, sedentary work, emotional instability, stress and constant overwork, frequent use of the above products often leads to erectile dysfunction.

Foods that improve potency

Regular use of the following products will help increase sexual performance, prolong intercourse and restore potency:

  • Ginger root - its biological substances can overcome impotence and restore fertility. Also, this product contains a lot of vitamins and minerals - they tone up the whole body;
  • Dairy products - improve the synthesis of testosterone;
  • Spices – natural aphrodisiacs like cumin, thyme, basil increase cravings;
  • Garlic - stimulates the synthesis of testosterone and blood flow in the vascular bed. Use fresh or prepare tincture - 3 liters. boiled water, take 1 kg of chopped garlic. Shake the resulting mixture daily throughout the infusion period. A month later, you can start a course against impotence with garlic tincture, taking 1 tsp per day.
  • Products containing coarse vegetable fibers - berries, fruits and vegetables. They not only increase libido and increase erection, but also have a beneficial effect on spermatogenesis (sperm formation). Horseradish and asparagus can be included in the same category;
  • Chocolate - but only natural bitter, with no artificial additives. It has a positive effect on the hormonal background and the male reproductive system, as it is a powerful aphrodisiac. Increases cravings due to the content of flavonoids - natural antioxidants that tighten the vascular wall;
  • Seafood - mussels, crayfish, shrimp, squid. They have a strong and rapid effect on potency. With regular use, sexual activity and desire not only increase in men - they have the same effect in women. Oysters are also useful - they contain a lot of zinc and amino acids;
  • Meat. It is better to give preference to red and diet varieties - lamb, beef, rabbit, turkey and chicken. The thyroxine contained in the meat normalizes the hormone level. It is better if the meat is stewed or boiled, but not fried;
  • Honey and other bee products can increase testosterone release and help increase blood flow to the penis during an erection. In addition to honey, the use of bee pollen is recommended for the prevention of impotence, the protein contained in it also helps to strengthen erection and testosterone production. The recommended daily dose is 10 g. With allergies and hypersensitivity to honey, it is better to refuse the use of these products.
  • Foods rich in magnesium - buckwheat, oats, legumes, millet, spinach, arugula, grapes. These products can not only overcome impotence, but also prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, prostate cancer. Their constant use in food increases free testosterone in the blood, grapes stimulate blood flow to the pelvic organs responsible for erection and prevent the development of male infertility. Spinach, the food of magnesium, contains natural nitrates, which subsequently break down in the body into nitric oxides - they also quantitatively increase testosterone, which causes an erection;
  • Garnet. Pomegranate juice prevents oxidative processes in the body, has a positive effect on the formation of testosterone. The same mechanism of action in erection has a watermelon;
  • When it comes to fish, choose mackerel, salmon and flounder, which are rich in omega-3 acids, phosphorus and iodine. Mackerel stimulates sperm production and improves sexual health, flounder is rich in vitamins and zinc;
  • Dried fruits - Dates are considered the best remedy for impotence in Arab countries. In addition, figs are a powerful aphrodisiac - due to the high content of magnesium and potassium, it has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and increases blood supply to the penis at the time of erection;
  • Nuts are a natural source of protein. Walnuts, pistachios, almonds stimulate an erection and normalize the level of hormones, increase libido, increase potency. The effect comes on quickly when you use it together with dried fruits and honey. Nutmeg - 1/3 tsp poured into food or diluted with water;
  • nuts for potency
  • In addition to wine, it is recommended to exclude other alcoholic beverages - wine should not be abused either - the permissible amount per day is one glass;
  • Smoothies or pumpkin juice are used to increase potency – the high zinc content in them stimulates potency. pumpkin seed
  • Ginger tea. Such a drink stimulates potency by strengthening the walls of vessels. In addition, the compounds contained in ginger prevent thrombosis, and if you drink it with honey and lemon, the drink becomes a good prevention against colds. Tea is easy to prepare - 10 g of peeled and chopped root is poured with boiling water and left for 10-15 minutes;
  • Drinks that stimulate an erection include celery juice, an infusion of coriander and parsley, mare's milk;
  • Citrus fruits - lemon and orange. The lutein it contains increases the level of testosterone in the blood;
  • Quail eggs - four pieces per day are enough to maintain the level of phosphorus and iron necessary for spermatogenesis. consume raw;
  • turnip. You can eat its seeds or the roots themselves - raw or cooked. The product stimulates testosterone secretion and increases libido due to the amino acids it contains.

Examples of dishes from the male erection diet

  1. A decoction of milk and carrots - 1 tbsp. Milk take 2 tbsp. spoons of carrots, add it to the milk and cook for 10 minutes. Take 100 g three times a day;
  2. Salad with potatoes and fish - cook separately 500 g of fish, 5 potatoes, 3 carrots. After cooling, cut the products into cubes and season with vegetable oil, decorate with herbs before serving;
  3. Steamed fish - 700 g of fish (low-fat) cut into pieces and put on the bottom of the water bath, add hot water, 2 chopped onions, parsley - slowly put on fire for 15 minutes. Separately boil 2 beets and 2 potatoes for garnish. Drizzle the fish with lemon juice before serving;
  4. Shrimp soup - before cooking it is necessary to fry 2 carrots, parsley roots and onions. Place in boiling water with 500g cauliflower. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time, add 200 g of prawns to the pan and decorate with herbs.


Products and dishes for erection are widely available and affordable. You need to consistently follow an erection diet and avoid the negative effects of other factors affecting potency.